Estadísticas y significado del nombre Josekutty

Porcentaje de uso: 78% primer nombre, 22% apellido.
El primer nombre Josekutty fue encontrado 45 veces en 7 países diferentes.
El apellido Josekutty se utiliza por lo menos 12 veces y por lo menos en 5 países.
El género del nombre Josekutty es 0% femenino y 100% masculino.

      Surname Josekutty
Primer Nombres
Ditty Josekutty (1)

Given name Josekutty
Josekutty Philip (1)
Josekutty Kuriakose (1)
Josekutty Sebastian (1)

Surname Josekutty in USA   

Josekutty en reverso es Yttukesoj
El nombre contiene 9 letras - 44.44% vocales y 55.56% consonantes.

Anagramas: Joestytuk Jsykteuto Tuytsejko Tsuotyjke
Errores de deletreo: Josakutty Josekuttw Josekotty Iosekutty Josecutty Josekuttyi Joeskutty Joeskutyt

Rimas: nutty putty smutty Betty Getty Kitty Mitty vivacity dimity impiety

El significado de este nombre no es conocido.
Josekutty Joseph says: Meaning of 'Josekutty' may be said to be 'child dreamer'. Because the name 'Josekutty' is combination of 'Joseph' and 'Kutty'. Kutty, in Malayalam (language of Kerala(m) in India), means child. Kutty is a usual suffix to many of the names in Malayalam as that of 'Kumar' in Hindi and all South Indian languages. The word Josekutty is derived from 'Outhakutty', which is another combination of 'Youseph' and Kutty. "Outha" is derivated spelling of "Yousa", short form of Youseph in Malayalam. Youseph is an Aramaic name referred to in the Holy Bible (Old Testament): Youseph, son of 'Yachob' (Jacob in English) also called Israel, grandson of Abraham, Father of Nations. Youseph is referred to in the New Testament of the Holy Bible as husband of 'Mariyam', (Mary in English) mother of 'Iŝo' [Isho] (Jesus in English). Meaning of the word Youseph/Joseph given in the Bible is 'dreamer'. Christianity was brought to India in the first century by Apostle St Thoma (Thomas). The language of worship for the early Christians was Aramaic, the language of their Lord Isho (Jesus). Thus most of the male names of early Christians were Youseph and female Christians were Mariyam, Anna, Elishwa (Elizabeth in English). With the Westernisation brought about by the Portugese in the fifteenth century, there were attempts to convert Aramaic names to English: Youseph to Joseph; Mariyam to Mary, Elishwa to Elizabeth, etc. Thus short form of Joseph (Jose) was suffixed with Kutty. According to thegramatical rules of Malayalam, the vowel 'e' is to be converted to 'u', when Jose is to be suffixed with Kutty. Hence 'Josukutty', whereas in English most people use the spelling Josekutty instead of Josukutty. Similarly, 'Outhakutty' was converted to Josukutty/Josekutty.

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